Welcome Students!
To get started, find your grade level below. If you need to download the StudentAccess information card, click the card to the right.
Decide which site you want to visit, then click Go!
When prompted, select Northwestern Regional Library from the drop-down list.
Next, enter your student ID and pin (last 4 digits of student ID) and you’re in!
Resources for All Ages
Transparent Language
A fun and free way to learn any of over 70 languages with self-directed lessons, films, cultural anecdotes and more! Offered with your Northwestern Regional Library Card through NC LIVE.
The secret to finding your next great read! NoveList Plus is a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations, available through libraries around the world.
Log in to our catalog and view our physical collection of books and more. Place a hold on an item you want and pick it up at any NWRL library you choose!
Grades K-5
Thousands of downloadable ebooks, audiobooks and streaming videos from NWRL for children pre-K through 5th grade.
Thousands of downloadable ebooks, audio books and streaming videos for children pre-K through middle school. helps kids, 2 to 6, learn to read through phonics, teaches lessons in math, social studies, art, music, and much more.
Grades 6-8
Full-text magazines, academic journals, newspapers, reference books and primary source documents, plus a vast image collection containing photos, maps and flags. Available through NC LIVE.
Full text periodical resource bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, and including thousands of newspapers from around the world. Available through NC LIVE.
Find information on your research topic in newspapers, magazines, books, maps, websites, pictures, videos and more; with tools to help select and narrow research topics. Available through NC LIVE.
A step-by-step guide to choosing research topics, finding relevant information, evaluating it and using it in your project. Available through NC LIVE.
A premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas. Available through NC LIVE.
The North Carolina Digital Heritage Center is a statewide digitization and digital publishing program housed in the North Carolina Collection at UNC’s Wilson Special Collections Library. The Digital Heritage Center works with cultural heritage institutions across North Carolina to digitize and publish historic materials online.
Thousands of high quality videos on business & economics, health & medicine, humanities & social sciences, and science & mathematics, as well as travel and fitness programming, home and how-to videos, indie films, and popular music performances. Includes Oscar, Emmy and Peabody award winning documentaries, interviews, instructional and vocational training videos, historical speeches and newsreels.
Grades 9-12
Complete your resume in minutes with Cypress Resume. Quickly create cover letters and reference pages. Download, edit, publish, save and update.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center is a comprehensive resource that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education, and research best practices for résumés, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and salaries/benefits. The database includes articles, career advice blogs, and streaming video.
What is StudentAccess?
StudentAccess is an initiative that partners NC Cardinal libraries and school systems to provide access to library materials. Participating school system’s students will be provided a student library account using their student ID number as their account number. The student library account allows participating students to access print and online materials from the partner NC Cardinal library system.
During the 2017-2018 school year, 11 Cardinal library systems participated. 166,789 accounts were created and there were approximately 30,000 items checked out in the first six months of the program.
In addition to Northwestern Regional Library’s entire physical catalog, students and faculty will be able to access the digital resources such as Overdrive, NC Kids, eSebco, RBDigital, NoveList Plus, as well as all resources on NC Live and many more!
- Access to statewide online library resources across the consortium
- Access to locally-purchased online research databases and other e-materials, specifically e-books and e-audiobooks
- Ability to check out books, both print and audio
- StudentAccess accounts will have the ability to place holds and borrow items from their local library system (StudentAccess accounts will not be able to place holds outside of NWRL)
- Checkout limit is a maximum of 10 print and/or audiobooks
- No overdue fines will be charged for StudentAccess accounts
- The patron/parents of StudentAccess accounts will be responsible for lost or damaged books fees
- DVDs are not included in this project and will not be available for check out using StudentAccess accounts
StudentAccess information
- Question: How will a student use their student ID account?
- Answer: Students will use their school ID number and PIN to borrow books or access the library’s services like e-books and online research. The default PIN is the last 4 digits of the student ID number.
- Question: What can a student do with a student ID account?
- Answer: Student ID accounts allow students to borrow e-resources and access library databases just like any other Northwestern Regional Library card. Students can also borrow up to 10 print or audio books from the Northwestern Regional Library collection.
- Question: Is the student account free?
- Answer: Yes, the student account is free. There are no overdue fines for student accounts, but students are responsible for any fees on lost or damaged books.
- Question: How do I sign my child up for a student ID account?
- Answer: Your child will either be automatically enrolled in the StudentAccess initiative, or they will bring home an Opt-In form for parents to sign depending on the decision of each school district. All schools in your system from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 are participating and becoming enrolled in this program.
- Question: What if I don’t want my child to have a student ID account?
- Answer: If you do not want your child to have access to library materials, then fill out the Opt-Out Form. Be aware that students who fill out the Opt-Out Form for StudentAccess WILL NOT be able to participate in classroom use of library resources unless they have a separate Northwestern Regional Library card and know the full card number and PIN.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the State Library of North Carolina.
Preguntas más frecuentes
- Pregunta: ¿Cómo usará un estudiante su cuenta de ID de estudiante?
- Respuesta: Los estudiantes usarán el número de identificación de la escuela y el PIN para pedir prestado libros o acceder a los servicios de la biblioteca como libros electrónicos y la investigación en línea. El PIN predeterminado son los últimos 4 dígitos del número de identificación del estudiante.
- Pregunta: ¿Qué puede hacer un estudiante con una cuenta de ID de estudiante?
- Respuesta: Las cuentas de identificación del estudiante permiten a los estudiantes tomar prestado recursos electrónicos y acceder a las bases de datos de la biblioteca como cualquier otra tarjeta de la biblioteca pública del región de Northwestern. Los estudiantes también pueden pedir hasta 10 libros impresos o de audio de la colección de la Biblioteca Pública del Región Northwestern.
- Pregunta: ¿Es gratis la cuenta de estudiante?
- Respuesta: Sí, la cuenta de estudiante es gratis. No hay multas atrasadas para las cuentas de los estudiantes, pero los estudiantes son responsables por cualquier honorario en libros perdidos o dañados.
- Pregunta: ¿Cómo puedo firmar a mi hijo para obtener una cuenta de identificación de estudiante?
- Respuesta:No necesita tomar ninguna acción para obtener una cuenta de identificación de estudiante para su hijo. Todos los estudiantes de escuelas de pre-kindergarten al grado 12 se inscribirán automáticamente en este programa.
- Pregunta: ¿Qué pasa si no quiero que mi hijo tenga una cuenta de estudiante?
- Respuesta: Si no desea que su hijo tenga acceso a los materiales de la biblioteca, puede optar por no participar. Vea al reverso de este documento para un formulario de opt-out que usted puede firmar y regresar a cualquier ubicación de la Biblioteca Pública del Región. Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que no participen en StudentAccess no podrán participar en el uso de recursos bibliotecarios a menos que tengan una tarjeta de la Biblioteca Pública del Región Northwestern y conozcan el número completo de la tarjeta y el PIN.
Services such as ProQuest Central, eBook Central, Films on Demand, AutoMate, Biography Reference Bank, CINAHL Plus, Credo Reference, Mango Languages, MasterFILE Premier, NoveList PLUS, Cypress Resume, Ferguson’s Career Guidance, Testing & Education Reference Center, CQ Researcher, HertiageQuest, Science in Context and more will be available through StudentAccess.
These services provide access to full text databases, reading recommendations, ebooks, audiobooks, movies, biographical reference works, career guidance, car maintenance, primary source documents, language learning and so much more! They are available to all library patrons and will be available to students and teachers throughout your school system with StudentAccess, all for free!
Participating Schools
- Alleghany County Schools
- Elkin City Schools
- Mount Airy City Schools (Middle & High School only)
- Stokes County Schools
- Surry County Schools
- Yadkin County Schools